I would put in a time capsule a letter that expresses about my feelings in the present with many pictures, because it will be so great when you come after many years to know about how your emotions were in the past. Also, a time capsule will remind you about your life and the goals that you want to achieve in the future. In addition, seeing some pictures after many years will be emotional for you, because you will remember the activities that you have done with your family and friends. This will remind you about the people that you have shared with them everything, because they might not be with you longer for many reasons. So, a time capsule is a good way to represent the most important things for you in the future.
Tuesday, March 22, 2016
For me is really important to remember most of
the things you do by yourself or with people who are close to you, so that’s
why I like having journals because that way I won’t forget the things I once
did, the places I’ve been. That is the reason why I would put my journals in a
time capsule.
It would be really meaningful for me, to open
this time capsule and read all the things I did in the past (that would
probably be forgotten by the time I read them) and being able to remember how I
felt in a certain occasion, who I was with, where I was at and what I would
love the most about is the nostalgic feeling I would get by just going back and
also comparing the past times with the actual ones, I would see how much the
society and world have changed by then. Also remembering the friends I once had because maybe I didn't keep in touch with them.
A time capsule.
I would put in a time capsule a letter that carries the facts of events at this time in order not to mislead the facts and makes the offender is a hero. In addition, I would write the history of civilization and cultures of the world in order to be exemplary of pride. Earlier civilizations have made us studying all the details about them, so we should make our civilization a subject that will have been taught in the future. Finally, I would put unsuccessful inventions so that they are not repeated by future generations, or they develop the unsuccessful inventions to become effective.
A time capsule is a historic cache of information or objects that represents something important for the person that put these thing on it. Therefore, this capsule is developed with the intention of being opened or accessed at a future date. I think the best thing to put inside a time capsule is a letter because in a letter you can write any feeling, any thought and anything you want to remind in the future.
Monday, March 21, 2016
What would I put on a time capsule?
I would put my favorite books and pictures that had marked who I am.
First I will find a photograph of my most important family members, because they are the people I admire and love, so most of the values, habits and pretty much my whole personality was influenced by them; also they don't let me forget of where I come from. Second I would put a copy of my favorite books with notes in the parts that mean something to me. Because I love books since I learn to read, my mind and imagination are full with those especific stories that changed the way I see the world.
Finally I would put my country's flag, because the meaning of its colors represents my past ( yellow:gold, blue:ocean, red: blood for freedom) and in the future with all the political and social changes it will not be the same. I really appreciate my Latino traditions and I don't want to leave them behind.
I would put my favorite books and pictures that had marked who I am.
First I will find a photograph of my most important family members, because they are the people I admire and love, so most of the values, habits and pretty much my whole personality was influenced by them; also they don't let me forget of where I come from. Second I would put a copy of my favorite books with notes in the parts that mean something to me. Because I love books since I learn to read, my mind and imagination are full with those especific stories that changed the way I see the world.
Finally I would put my country's flag, because the meaning of its colors represents my past ( yellow:gold, blue:ocean, red: blood for freedom) and in the future with all the political and social changes it will not be the same. I really appreciate my Latino traditions and I don't want to leave them behind.
What would you put in a time capsule?
What would
you put in a time capsule?
I would put in a time capsule physical pictures and videos before and after the place where I live and the people who live in. Likewise, I will put pictures and videos about beautiful landscapes and places full of nature because nowadays, many rivers are drying, the forest is dwindling, and the human being is destroying the earth. Therefore, I want people to know how beautiful the planet was and that unfortunately humans didn't appreciate it.
I would put a modern cell phone as well because it is the most popular thing today and I'm curious how the cellphone is going to look like in the future. Therefore, I think it is a good idea that people in the future could see what a cell phone looked like and all the advantages it has passed through.
Additionally, I would like to put pictures and information about the extinct animals. I think this is a sad issue that is happening today and many more animals are going to have the same destiny if we do not start making any action. We must take care not only of animals but also the habitat they live.
Another thing that I would put in the time capsule are some newspapers. I will put some in which show an important event that happened in any part of the world. However, I will put some news information in a flash drive in order to keep much more information. What I think is very important to show those important events because in some way they influenced the decisions to the future.
Generally, I will put that kind of things because I want to show the people in the future how the streets, houses, parks, and some places were. In addition, I want to show how people looked like because the style and clothing are always changing over decades. Furthermore, I want to show what we missed, like the animals, to create more awareness of caring the nature.
Thursday, March 17, 2016
Every county has a different style in their clothes. In Saudi Arabia, the traditional custom for women is called Abaya. It is a religious, traditional custom in Saudi Arabia. Women wear it, when they want to go out. They do not need it inside their homes. It is a long black shawl. It's usually just black. Nowadays, it has many different designs. It's still black color, but it decorates with some Crystal just to make it looks fancy. Also, it is made from silk, which is kind of expensive. In conclusion, traditional customs mean something special for the people who create them.
Traditional clothes in Korea.
In Korea, the upper garment of Korean traditional clothes;Jeogori have gotten shorter and shorter during Chosun dynasty. The news reported the Jeogoris have gotten shorter and shorter. The modern Jeogoris are 2/3 times shorter than the Jeorigis from the 17th century. In addition, the side panel has gotten fewer and fewer curves. So the women at Chosun dynasty had shown their breasts between the late 18th century to mid 20th century. They choose to wear this kind of clothes because it was comfortable to wear, also because of hot and humid weather. When they went out of their house, they wore big clothing that could cover there body due to Confucianism. Consequently they didn't have to worry about others' eyes. In the mid 20th century, people started to get more civilized. Therefore, they did not wear Jeogoris anymore. These days, no one wears this obscene clothes. If someone wore it on the streets, you would see them on the news.

Jeogori during the 17th century(down)

The necklaces
This accessorize is really easy to customize because even if it is mass-produced it would never be the same because people are used to change the pendant of the necklaces. For example, couples customize their necklaces by putting their initials,names or sometimes a phrase or an important date in each item to represent each other, this change symbolize the love and the strength about their feelings and also it is a way to remember and show they are committed to one and other.
Over decades, Jackets has had an important function in clothing for men, women, and children. Jacket was created centuries behind and it has been altered through time by cultures, religions, genders, and more. Therefore, Jacket has become a basic clothing for many styles, for instance, sports jackets and blazers. Because the jacket is a fundamental clothing for all styles and ethnicity, it is made by many kind of materials. Originally jackets were a formal piece of clothing made by wool and cotton, but current styles included leather, nylon, and suede.
Depending of style and ethnicity, people have incorporated new accessories, cuts, purposes, and colors to jackets. An example is the punk culture. The punk culture has adapted the jacket such a way that they can be identified with it and it represents in some way their philosophy. A hypothesis could be that they use spiked clothing and the black color in the jackets as a representation of rebelliousness and rudeness. Those characteristics in the jacket make punk culture more comfortable with the self-culture. Besides it could express for them to be against stereotypes such on ideologies, lifestyle, music, and clothing.
Another culture which has modified the jacket to customize it according to its ideas is the metal culture. They use to add many imagines in their jackets to express their likes for some God, things, beliefs, or any. And each person has his own perspective and likes of draws and imagines about the general ideas of the metal culture. Therefore, even if people have the same figure of anything on the same jacket, each one has a different jacket because each person put the figure on a specific place.
The traditional dress of Saudi Arabia.
Today, with the development of society and the mixing of
cultures show us some of the changes on men's dress in Saudi Arabia which is called thobe. It has been
changed for a few years by young people. They devised a new design, for example, embroidering a bottom of the dress, changing the colors of the buttons, replacing the buttons to a zipper, and writing Arabic letters on the sleeves. Also, there are who put phrases, such as those on T-shirts, and some people
put his name, and some of them put his name and his wife’s name on the wedding. These changes came with enthusiastic young people and their love for a
renewal. In addition, they want a large number of designs to choose more models.
Sunday, March 13, 2016
According to research, human beings have been moving from Eastern to Southern Africa and the Arabian Peninsula. During this time, they have traveled to Europe and Asia populating a new world. However, the big question is, how did human beings land in America when it is so far from away from the other continents? Anthropologists argue that millions of years ago, human beings originated in what today is Ethiopia and Somalia. Scientists have studied fossils and trails that predict humans crossing a land bridge between Asia and North America around 23,000 years ago. This land bridge was a land that connected Asia and America together.
There are many theories about where humans originated from to the new world, but thanks to the DNA analysis, there is now likely an answer. A new scientific study analyzed the human genome from 31 Native people and found that 23, 000 years ago people moved from Siberia to North America, which eventually split into two groups. One group moved to North America while the second group moved to Central and South America. The genetic information also found that Native Americans had a small mix of genes from East Asians and Australo Melanesians Australoid. The Melanesians consisted of two racial classifications which consisted of Southeast Asian, Papua New Guineans, Solomon, Islanders, Vanuatuans and Indigenous Australians. Furthermore, this explains how human beings traveled so far from their origin and many different populated places. History has allowed to study why some people have stayed and others have continued their journey elsewhere. In conclusion, we can see how human beings slowly but surely began conquering the world.
When did the first Americans arrive?
This video is about an explanation
of how scientists thought the first Americans arrive, so the first thinking was
that there was a time when all part of the Americas was covered by ice creating
a hard surface making it possible for people from Asia to walk from there over
here, that fact was explained by an archeologist; but because of some things
found in Cabo Verde (Chile) that said those people arrived earlier than what
they thought, it makes them wonder how was that possible because what they have
from their investigations don’t match with the results found, leaving them with
no precise information about the first Americans arrival and so many questions
without exact answers.
They hope the answer will be found
in the future but now they don’t have it, they just have some incomplete and
maybe some possible answers for that question.
Where the First Americans came from
Many people were thinking about where the first people get to the new world. It has taken a couple million years to spread across the plant. Humans lived in Africa. However, Modern humans left Africa but not long afterward. Scientists used the fossil to follow humans’ movements. Humans moved from East Africa to South Africa onto the Arabian Peninsula. After thousands of years, Modern Homo Sapiens migrated throughout Europe and Asia. Supplanting or interbreeding with population of Neanderthals or Homo. So, modern humans moved to the New World and populated there. The scientists were thinking about how humans made it over there, because the map makes it look so far has been a puzzle without many hypotheses. Before DNA, scientists looked at fossil and traits and geologic record and theorized humans moved onto to land bridge which found between Asia and North America. The Bering land bridge land probably conjures pictures of well, a tiny little bridge. However, the bridge is a huge. It is called The Bering Plain. It is also connecting the two continents Asia and North America. People moved onto the bridge 23,000 years ago, then they moved off the bridge maybe 15,000 years ago. New science has confirmed most of the Bering land bridge theory and how the first people or Native Americans found their way into this continent. Since 2003, sciences have baseline about Native Americans. They moved from Siberia in a single wave and settled in the North for thousands of years. They split into two groups about 13,000 years ago. One group settled throughout North America and while the other settled in the Central and South America. According to the genetic information, Native Americans have a small mix of genes from East Asians and Australo-Melanesians. Today, more than 80 percent of our planet has seen influence from humans activity.
The video was about native Americans, where and when did they come from. They are from Asia and north east Asia. There was a big iceage 11 thousand years before, so people think Asians started to immigrate to America after the ice melts. However, archaeologists found skulls. They invastigated the radiocarbon dating the skulls are older than the iceage. Therefore, archaeologists concluded that the Asians immigrated before the iceage and the shores which were not frozen during the iceage. I also think people had immigrated before iceage started because Russia and America is not so far. Even early Asians did not have a technology to make an airplane, but at least they could walk a frozen sea..
History of Native American.
Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8YR2FgxalCU
Monday, March 7, 2016
Funeral in Saudi Arabia
Most religions will have set procedures and rituals when it comes to that sensitive time in burying a person who has passed on. There are indeed specific rituals as well as customs which are followed when burying a person in Saudi Arabia.
To begin with, when a muslim dies, it is preferred for the body to be buried as soon as possible and usually within 24 hours of passing. If necessary, autopsies may be performed but the emphasis is on if necessary.
In preparation for burial the body will be washed and shrouded. It should be noted that this also includes shaving the body, particularly in the case of a male. A muslim is to be buried similar in the same manner in which he or she appeared on this earth – clean shaven. And only those closest to the deceased would be entrusted and undertake such a private final act. The body will also be washed in a similar manner as when a muslim makes ablutions for prayer. The body will be shrouded in clean white sheets which are referred to as kafan.At the cemetery, the body will be placed in a simple grave. It is typical for graves to not be marked with tombstones in Saudi Arabia.Finally, we have 3 days after the funeral that the relatives accept the deceased’s friends or anyone. And they can bring food or anything in order to reduce their pain. Also during the 3 days praying is what they mostly do.
Sombrero Vueltiao (Spanish), Colombian Hat.
Sombrero Vueltiao (Spanish), Colombian Hat.
There is only a couple of tribes in Colombia who can make an original sombrero Vueltiao. Those tribes are ancient indigenous tribes that have been in Colombia since 200 B.C. The Colombian hat is the national symbol made by from a special cane that it can only be found in specific places in Colombia. The cane is cut into stripes which are then are processed, dried, and dyed naturally. Finally, the makers start to make braids with the stripes and they create figures with the dried and dyed ones. The process to make an original hat is painstakingly and carefully handmade and it can take at least one month to finish it. Traditionally, when the folk maker of the tribe is going to make the hat, the maker must know the person. This is due to the fact the maker can feel the spirit of the person in order to know what kind of figures correspond to his hat. Therefore, because of this, each original hat is unique in the word and it represent something very important for the tribe and for the person who gets the hat.
The original sombrero vueltiao can only in the places where the tribe are and those hats are not for marketing. However, if you can get one, it costs hundreds or even thousands of dollars. Therefore, due to the material, the hat is very flexible, durable, and with physical proprieties unique from other material.
Nowadays, this hat can be found anywhere in Colombia for a low cost. These hats are made from plastic, paper, woven material, and more. Furthermore, they are used specifically in festivals and carnivals as a representation of the Colombian culture.
Wayuu wedding style
Wayuu people is a
native tribe from La Guajira, Colombia. Their economy is based on what they do
with their own hands, craft things. They have suffered of racism because of
their beliefs and cultural traditions.
One of their cultural traditions
can be seen in what they do before, during and after a wedding is celebrated in
between their members.
When the man wants to
get married, he has to let his family know that he wants to start an affective
relationship with his “dream woman” so for this reason the family has to choose
a palabrero, is like a lawyer who is
in charge of letting the woman’s family know about the man’s desire to get
married with the her.

What the man pays has
to be divided in between the woman’s family and he’s given some stuff for their
future children maintenance.
Sunday, March 6, 2016
Birth in Saudi Arabia
Children are a precious gift from God, and the blessing of a child is a special time in a person's life. All cultures and religious traditions have certain ways of welcoming a newborn child into the community .Muslim women tend to prefer all-female attendants at the birth, whether they be doctors, nurses, midwives, or female relatives. However, it is permissible in Islam for male doctors to attend to a pregnant woman. There is no Islamic teaching that prohibits fathers from attending the birth of their child; this is left up to personal choice. Mothers used to give birth at home, perhaps with the assistance of a midwife. Infants were cared for by their mothers, who carried them everywhere and nursed them. Other women in extended households, including longtime domestic servants, participated actively in rearing children, teaching them Arabian culture and mores. Fathers and uncles and grandfathers did not take part in child care but played with the children, kissed them, and taught them genealogies and morality. They taught them generosity and hospitality by example.Intense family and kin-based socialization at home is now mainly a memory. Birth takes place at a hospital, and infant boys are circumcised there before going home (girls are not circumcised). A foreign maid or nanny who may speak little or no Arabic often does much of the work of child rearing. This is an issue that troubles many Saudi Arabians. Breast-feeding sometimes is rejected for not being modern. While much visiting goes on among relatives, conjugal family households today do not provide the rich family learning setting of the past.
Reily reyli 레일리 Sung- MIn LEE
This clothing is called Sam- be(삼베) , Korea' s traditional clothes for the funeral. But only the close family member can wear this clothes. This clothes are made of hemp, which is the plant of marijuana. Some people say this tradituon has started from 10th century. There was a prince from Silla(신라) that his father surrendered to the rival country Koryeo(고려). After losing his country he went to the mountain and wore Sam-be clothes, and ate grass until he died. Because of this incident Sam-be clothes are considered as a gief.
Islamic rites at the funeral
Death is an extremely sad and emotional time, but it may be
filled with hope and mercy. In Islam, death does not mean the end of life, but it's the beginning of eternal life. Also, we pray for a dead person to ask for God’s
mercy to him and raise the dead person’s level in heaven. This essay will
discuss about Islamic rites at the funeral.
First of all, Islam encourages preparing the dead and shrouded
as soon as possible to honor him. So, the dead relatives should take off his clothes
and replaced by a shroud, a clean white cloth is characterized by simplicity,
and wrap the whole body at least three times. In addition, Islam urges to use
a soap while washing the dead body, then perfumes it.
Secondly, Islam has enjoined on society in general to pray
for a Muslim individual, even if he is a young child. It is required to pray at
the funeral what is required in the regular prayer, such as receiving direction,
performing ablution and the place in which to pray. It may perform the funeral
prayer in the mosque and in other places where it permissible to pray.
Finally, Islam forbids burning a body of the dead or
destroyed it. However, Islam enjoins to put the body in a tomb, approximately, it is a one-meter width and about two meters’ length, and laying down the dead on his
right side and his face and his body towards to the Kaaba (Muslims' direction
when they pray).
In short, Islam honors human personality by burial, as well
as pray for all Muslims’ dead with mercy and forgiveness.
Childbirth in Saudi Arabia
Childbirth customs are more traditional and conservative in the Kingdom than perhaps most other places. The tradition is such that when the wife goes into labor she will be admitted to the hospital where perhaps a female family member and the hospital staff will assist her through her labor and delivery. The husbands are not by their wives side and instead usually wait in a male-only waiting area for the news of the birth. If a woman is giving birth in a government-run hospital, this practice of no men in the labor/delivery area is further enforced because the woman is in a female ward with other women in the same condition labor and giving birth with the Saudi practice of unrelated men and women must remain separated from seeing one another. But of course, after the woman has given birth, she is moved to a room (which may or may not be private) where male family members are allowed to visit her and see the new baby. Separation of unrelated men and women will be maintained through the use of opaque curtains concealing other women who may be in the ward.
When the woman is discharged from the hospital, depending on the conservatism and traditions of the Saudi family, she may be released and go immediately to her parents home. Many Saudi families practice what is refered to as the “40 day rule.” After a woman gives birth, the woman is expected to have 40 days in which she rests and her body heals before she is viewed as ready to return to her home and sharing a bed with her husband. During this 40 day period, the husband may naturally come and spend time visiting with his wife and child but he will not stay or share a bed with her. And again, I reiterate this practice is not necessarily followed by all Saudis but some.
The father is pretty much expected to be in both the labor and delivery rooms with his wife. Classes and training are given to the couple during the pregnancy so the father can be a pro-active coach to his wife. And in many cases, it may be the father who gets to first hold the newborn child and then present their child to the new mother. Of course such an experience forges an incredible bond between the new family – mother, father and child. If these practices take place perhaps in some of the private hospitals in the Kingdom.
The traditional marriage in Saudi Arabia
Traditionally, the idea of marriage was tribal, related families encouraging their offspring to marry cousins or other relatives in order to increase and strengthen the tribe, or occasionally to marry into another tribe in order to heal rifts between families. Another reason for such marriages was that families knew the background of the partner, and this what has been usually common. However, in these days, this habit is gone. Now you can marry whoever you want.
If you are planning to marry, you should follow the traditional rules. First, the groom should go with his father or older brother to the bride’s father discuss and agree about the dowry. That’s fine, if the father or the older brother goes without you if you can’t go as long as the bride’s family knows you.
We mentioned the dowry, and the dowry might include gold, jewelry and clothing and is usually of considerable value. After the dowry settlement comes the actual marriage contract, which is conducted by a legal or religious representative. The bride is asked in the absence of the prospective groom if she agrees to the marriage and this question is then put to the groom. After agreement, the groom joins hands with his future father-in-law and, with two witnesses present, the marriage becomes official.
However, there’s another stage before the couple actually meet as man and wife: the wedding party. Celebrations are segregated, with the women in one section of the house and the men in another. Finally, on the last night of celebrations, the couple meet, accompanied by all their friends, and eventually leave on their honeymoon. On their return, they either set up home with the groom’s parents and become members of the extended family or – as is increasingly the case – set up home by themselves.
To sum up, this is the way of the marriage in Saudi Arabia. There are many different style to marry in Saudi Arabia, but this is the traditional and common way to marry. Marriage has many different ways in many different cultures. So, we should be understandable with other cultures to not be impolite with their beliefs.
Thursday, March 3, 2016
Module 3: Cultural Insights
Hello class!
This is our class blog where you will post your module focused activities. Please feel free to comment on each others' posts: this isn't a one-way medium! In fact, the more you share ideas, and the more you communicate, the more you'll benefit from the exercise.
For each module focused activity (MFA), I'll give you the topic in class, but the length requirement will remain the same: 200-300 words (minimum) that must be posted by 11:59 PM the day the activity is due. You're always welcome to post earlier.
As always, if you have any questions, please email me.
This is our class blog where you will post your module focused activities. Please feel free to comment on each others' posts: this isn't a one-way medium! In fact, the more you share ideas, and the more you communicate, the more you'll benefit from the exercise.
For each module focused activity (MFA), I'll give you the topic in class, but the length requirement will remain the same: 200-300 words (minimum) that must be posted by 11:59 PM the day the activity is due. You're always welcome to post earlier.
As always, if you have any questions, please email me.
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