Thursday, September 22, 2016
Dear Elizabeth
I am so sorry that nobody helped you on the last night. I am sure that the times when you wanted to get help somebody were a very dangerous situation. If the situation had occurred , I would have been so scared. I hope you clam oneself down. Maybe when you appealed for help, people could have been worry because you was tied and gagged by robber. Although the people couldn't know how you got the situation, they might have guessed that, so they might not have wanted to make problems. Also, that time was too late. Many accidents occur at night, so they could have felt fear. In addition, I can guess that the parking lot was empty at the time. If someone had realized your situation, the person would have been fear because this place and time make people very scared. Even though they wanted to help you, they didn't see anyone else who stopped to help you. This situation may impose a heavy burden on the people. In conclusion, civil inattention is part of everyday lives of people these days. However, I think that people have to pay attention to other people what they are doing. If the society change, many people will help other people who need help.
I don't know
how can I express my feeling for this
situation. It is sad to hear about your experience. I am glad that even after
being tied you were able to make it out of the shop. But I am also angry that
the robber had to tie you up. They could have taken all they wanted and left.
They really didn’t have to gag you and tie you up. I also feel that the drivers
shouldn’t have been indifferent. Or maybe they might have thought it was trick or
they feared that if helped you they would get in trouble. This can be learning
experience to always help the people in need no matter the situation.
Letter to Elizabeth
I am so sorry to hear that Elizabeth. I wish you had't had that horrible experience. I can't even imagin how scary it was.
I totally understand your anger. You migh've come close to death because people didn't help you for several hours! However, it might not have been easy to decide to help you. You were tied up at that time in the daybreak, and it migh look scary enough for other people. If people have seen you, they might've felt scared because they migh get hurt from a robber who made you tied up. It requiers
great courage to help other person who is in danger.
I'm not telling you their action was proper. They should have helped you as soon as they saw you. What I'm saying is I'd like you to try to understand that people who didn't help you. And if you realize that passing by a person who is in danger or trouble would be dangerous, please don't ignore a person who is in danger when you see this kind of situation. I hope you not to be one of bystanders like them. I'm sorry again and I hope you feel getting better as soon as possible.
I totally understand your anger. You migh've come close to death because people didn't help you for several hours! However, it might not have been easy to decide to help you. You were tied up at that time in the daybreak, and it migh look scary enough for other people. If people have seen you, they might've felt scared because they migh get hurt from a robber who made you tied up. It requiers
great courage to help other person who is in danger.
I'm not telling you their action was proper. They should have helped you as soon as they saw you. What I'm saying is I'd like you to try to understand that people who didn't help you. And if you realize that passing by a person who is in danger or trouble would be dangerous, please don't ignore a person who is in danger when you see this kind of situation. I hope you not to be one of bystanders like them. I'm sorry again and I hope you feel getting better as soon as possible.
Letter to Elizabeth
Dear Elizabeth,
I'm so sorry to hear that you're not feeling well in your situation. I can't imagine that it is difficult situation. if I were you, I would be very upset and angry. Therefore, I see why you are very furious. I think that the reason why people did not help you was time of your case, it played important role to making people didn't intervene to help you. Also, it was so early (daybreak), and people could have been afraid or scared. In other words, they could have been harmful and dangerous situation, so people may have tried to be facing indifferent to not get involved or to get in a big trouble. I think you have to overcome that your furious and sad and don't think anymore. I am looking forward to seeing you in the best conditions.
kind regards,
Letter to Elizabeth
Dear Elizabeth,
I am very sorry that you had to go through the scary experience. I can’t imagine what it is like to be tied and left in the darkness for all those hours. However, I would like you to think on the brighter side that you are alive, it could have been worse. I also feel sorry about the bystanders’ reactions. Probably they might have been scared to help you. We all fear tense situations. Also be grateful about the person who untied you. He could have walked away but he didn’t. I hope you get through this and feel safe again.
Best regards,Fahad alzakari,
Letter to Elizabeth
Dear Elizabeth:
I am so sorry what happened to you.That must have been a hard time. I don't know how can I be chill out in this case because I've never had such as that experience.
I have no idea why people were so selfish at the time , but I think they might have been afraid because they might have felt you would trick them,you know recently isn't such tranquil in your city, nobody wanna get involved because they could have scared to be in a hot water . On the other hand , that happened at dawn , I guess that they were driving very fast right ? In this situation, most of them might no have seen you.
Anyway, please don't think about it anymore . Come down and forget it.
Best regards,
Wednesday, September 21, 2016
Letter to Elizabeth
Dear Elizabeth
I felt sorry and sad when I heard your unfortunate event. I can't find the word to discribe your feeling because I have never been in the event such as you were involved in. And,I think you were dissapointed with bystanders who saw you were tied in your store but I can understand their minds why they didn't help you, and I think you also know their mind.
The reasons why they did't help you are that they did't want to be involved in the criminal and that they also did't have this kind of experiemce. I think even though they thought they had to help you,they couldn't do it because they needed lots brave minds or justice in order to help you. However, they could have called police, and this is they best way for them to help you.
In opposite, if you were a bystander,would you have helped anyone in this situation? I think the answer is "no".So,I hope you don't hate someone because you may be the same with them and take an advantage of this experience to help someone, and I'll not be this kind of bystander and help someone who is in some unfortunate event because I keep this story in my mind.
Letter to Elizabeth
Dear Elizabeth,
I wish there were many people who just couldn't recognize you. However, some people could have noticed.
A lot of people are always thinking "Oh, they'll take care of it".
But who is they? It's us. If we didn't, it will never change.
You should think about your experience was a good example of what not to do.
If you encounter kind of this situation which you have experienced, please don't be afraid other's thinking and do what you think you should.
I hope you'll get back to your normal routine soon.
Yuka Endo
Letter to Elizabeth
Dear Elizabeth,
I feel sorry for you and what happened to you. I wonder why people didn’t help you. I think they might have been afraid of you because they might have felt you will trick them, take their money, or even kill them. Also, I think they could have scared to get in trouble. I think the situation and sitting effect on their reaction. Also, what the time or the place effects on the people’s reaction. Because of the time was at so early that might have effected on them to stop and help you.
Amal AlQahtani
Letter to Elizabeth
Dear Elizabeth,
feel very sorry to hear your misfortune. The reason why people didn’t stop and
helped you out is that it was so early when you asked for help on the parking
lot. The sight wasn’t clear on daybreak, so the people who drove the car
through the parking lot couldn’t decide the situation clearly inside the car.
Because of this, they didn’t stopped the car and gave you a hand. After the
sight became obvious, someone might see clearly and realize that you needed
help. Then, he did stop the car and untie you. The reason why your neighborhood
didn’t help you is that they couldn’t understand the situation immediately.
They still be willing to help you anytime if they can. Hence, do not be furious
Letter to miserable Elizabeth
Dear Elizabeth
I felt sad when I heard your unforgettable story. I don’t have such an experience, but I can imagine your straggling to escape from the situation and understand your feeling.
Otherwise, I’d like you to understand bystanders’ behavior and the way of thinking. The criminal which you were involved was the unusual thing for them. They would need a lot of courage to intervene the event. Would you think your attitude toward people who are in an emergency before you have got the experience? I think you might have felt scared because there were possibilities for you to get into trouble.
I’d like you to feel so lucky because you are alive. And then, I’d like you to think about yourself. I hope the experience would change your mind. So, what will you do when you see people who ask for something in public? How will you inspire other bystanders to act immediately? Please remember you are the chosen person among those who overcome some terrible situations.
Sincerely, Masa
Tuesday, September 20, 2016
Why people are reluctant to help for strangers?
According to the task,I think the reason why people are reluctant to engage in social interaction with strangers is that people's lives are busy,they are often too rushed in the megacity.Or sometimes people fear that they will be asked to give additional help after the initial request.There's no denying the fact that in the big cities as New York ,the life speed is really fast,people are not capable of helping any time and where. They have work to do ,people may are too rushed by theirs job or family etc.Strangers are not people's family or friends,Therefore ,they might don't have time to do the additional help after the initial request.In this respect ,we may as well say people were changed by the living environment.From my point of view ,it would be better if people could give fair respect each other in the public aid.
Monday, September 19, 2016
Why do many people reluctant to interact with strangers?
I think the reason why people are reluctant to engage in social interaction with strangers is people are busy. The more city develops, the busier people become. Many cities have been developed, and the people who live in the cities work thoroughly at their position for themselves or their family. However, these people tend to be reluctant to interact or get involved with strangers, more than people who don't live in the cities. For example, New Yorkers are well-known as cold-hearted people. They don't afford to contact with strangers for any reason because they are already busy enough. People may not think it is worth to act for strangers because it wouldn't be productive. People don't want to make more works for strangers who don't know and don't need to take care of. Busy society makes people non-emotional.
Reluctant to engage in social interaction
I think the reason why people do not intervene to give aid in public situation is that they are basically self-absorbed and uninterested in the lives of others. In my opinion, we used to cooperate each other, especially with family and neighbors to survive in a severe environment in the past. However, the more we have been able to get high technological products, the weaker our relationships between that members have become. Moreover, these products make us comfortable to live alone and nowadays, we have forgotten to help other people.
It’s obviously when you live in cities in Japan. It’s common you don’t know your neighbors and don’t have to care about them deeply because they are independent. Even though we meet with neighbors in front of our house, we usually don’t greet each other. There are some Japanese who think about only efficiency; advantages or disadvantages for someone. I think it’s one of cause to make us self-absorbed people.
Why people are reluctant to help for strangers?
Why people are reluctant to help for strangers?
Nowadays, many people are struggling from difficulties in life to support themselves or their families, so they try to work hard to overcome of life. On contrary , many foreigners travel for business or tourism, so they get a bad or good impression from the citizens. As a result, there are two main reasons that citizens reject to help in social interaction with strangers such as people’s lives are busy, and they are often too rushed or people fear that they will be asked to give additional help after the initial request. In my opinion, it depends on different cultures of people to help strangers because some people think that strangers exploit them to have helps or waste time. For example, some people are too busy because they want to have good lives, and they tend to achieve their tasks in punctuality such as works and appointments. They don't want to be in problems with others, so they will feel guilty in the end. Finally, many people try to ignore strangers because they think that foreigners will ask for another helps, so people would not be fulfilled for them in special situations.
Sunday, September 18, 2016
People are reluctant to engage in social interaction with strangers.
The reason why people are reluctant to engage in social interaction with strangers is that people don't feel competent or qualified to help. With the development of science,especially Internet,people tend to be difficult to communicate each other,because people recently reduce their time to communicate in reality and increase their time to communicate in Internet. This incident makes people lose their self-confidence to take communication with someone,furthermore, people avoid talking with someone,especially with strangers. This less communication also cause their losing competent or qualified to help strangers,and they also avoid being spoken by strangers and involved in some event which is not their business.
In addition to the less communication, the development of science has reduced a chance to be asked to help by someone,because people are becoming to do almost all of things by themselves with this development. According to this decreasing,people are losing experiences to help someone,and the less experience decreases their abilities and self-confidence to help someone.
So,people are reluctant to help strangers because of their less competent or qualified.
Why people are reluctant to help for strangers?
People are reluctant to engage in social interaction with strangers because their lives are busy and they are often too rushed. Most of the time, especially among adults who are working, people would like to slow down and have meaningful social interactions with people whom they just met, but they just can’t because of their busy schedules and they have to rush to get other things done. For example, in an office, standing somewhere in a line or talking to the shop owner as you buy something or just as you get a coffee in the morning, there are many times when a person would really like to take a few minutes and interact with another person probably because they would like say or ask something. However, this doesn’t happen because of the fast schedules that people have. Instead of taking a few minutes to talk to a person, someone might choose to just continue to what they are supposed to do because there are many other things to do in the same day and their schedule is rushed. People do not avoid interacting with strangers because they are not interest or concerned with them. It is because they are often busy. Even for strangers whom one may have a few minutes with, one might choose not to interact with them because considering their schedule, he or she may not be sure of meeting the person again.
Why are people reluctant to engage in social interaction with strangers?
I think people's lives are very busy, and they are often too rush, so people are reluctant to engage in social interaction with strangers. Nowaday, people pay attention only their work and lives, so this enviorment of a life make people are self-absorbed and uninterested to other people. When they walk on a road and use transports, they can meet many stranger who want to get a help such as a homeless. However, people want to avoid the strangers because this situation that people interact with stragers makes people too tired. Also, they want to focus their lives and emotion. In addition, people don't want to make problems. Especially, the news report that helper gets a trouble because of helped strangers. Therefore, people think if they help strangers, they may get caught into a trouble, and their works and time get nagetive effects. For example, some people want to get additional help to helper, so a helper want to avoid these situations. We have to focus a fact that we can't distinguish if the strangers are reliable people or not. Therfore, people think that they have to be careful the strangers. Also, people shift a responsibility on to another's shoulders. They are busy, so they think that someone may help strangers. Strangers are not people's family or friends, so they know that they don't need to help strangers because helping the strangers doesn't bring advantage.
Why people are reluctant to help for strangers?
think that the reason why people are reluctant to help is that they fear that
they will be asked to give additional help after the initial request. It’s common
that strangers will ask extra help after people answer the easy questions, such
as time, weather, and so on. Strangers just want a chance to contact people sometimes.
In other words, they try to catch people’s attentions by easy questions. If
people answered the questions and talked to strangers more times, they would probably
reduce their vigilance. Then, people may be difficult to reject stranger’s
requirements. Based on the situation, people sometimes are not willing to
answer the stranger’s questions even though the question is simply and easy to
answer. They don’t want to answer questions because they’re afraid to being
stranded in this embarrassing situation. It’s just a simply way to protect
themselves in the society.
Task 9
The reason
why people are usually reluctant to socially interact with strangers is simply because
they are self-absorbed and uninterested in the lives of others. This explains
why in a day,a person meets several strangers and might actually not interact
or even in some cases talk to any of them because he or she is only interested
in what directly affects him or her and is not concerned with the other person
who is a stranger. For example, when you enter into a class or hall that is
filled with students who you don’t know, it is more likely that you will go and
talk to the students you know or are your friends or the ones you think might
help you with something.Therefore, this is the main reason why people usually
are reluctant to socially interact with strangers, because they are mainly
occupied with what deals directly with them and not other people. People are
not reluctant to interact with other people because they are busy, incompetent,
fear being taken advantage of or asked for more help. People do not interact
with strangers because they have their own things to attend to and be concerned
Answer task 9 Amal
Nowadays, many people are busy in their lives, in their family, and in their jobs. So, people usually don't have a time to giving or asking aid to strangers or even to engage in social interaction with strangers. In my opinion, I think people fear that they will be asked to give additional help after the initial request because they think that will take a time and they don't have that much of time to spend it with a stranger, but they don't mind to giving information to other people. Also, there are other reasons that people are reluctant to engage in social interaction with strangers such as people scared of strangers and they don't trust with strangers because maybe they thank strangers are thieves or the strangers are bad people. So, they try not to give them anything or any information because if they give them anything and the strangers steal it how they will find them because they are the strangers and we don't have any information about them. So, people usually scared of them because we live in a big life or city not like in the past because in past people live in small cities and they know each other very well so they didn't have this attitude about the strangers in the past. Nowadays, everything is changed.
Thursday, September 8, 2016
What would I put in the time capsule?
What would I put in the time capsule?
Nowadays, many traditional objects are important for people or communities in the world. They are linked our identity and cultures. Therefore, I would put somethings to exhibit ourselves as people in special region in Saudi Arabia live mostly in different habits and customs. First, I would put our formal clothes that I would not want to be forgotten in our sociality because every things have dramatically changed to acquire or adapt them to new things in the world by political, social or global factors. Actually, it is a very crucial to put our traditional clothes in the time capsule. I would say that people who live in the future show our clothes to be more importance because they will be unique objects. Also, I would put pictures of us when we was wearing traditional clothes in the time capsule. In our hometown, clothes can be classified into two types of factors: mountain man and villagers. In addition, I would put tools of farming and cooking such as a stone bowl, pan and dagger because it represents our culture, communities and how can we use in the life. Finally, I would put headdress that children, women, and man dress them for long time by special flowers. Everyone has to keep and save their habits and customs in his or her lives for next generation.In short, I would put traditional clothes, special tools, headdress in the time capsule to represent our customs of Jazanes people in the future.
Time Capsule
I would put the laptop in a time capsule. People use a laptop because there is everything. For example, officer need a laptop for working, and students work to use a laptop, so a lot of important information is in the laptops. If I put the laptop in my time capsule, I can remind my last life when I open the time capsule. Espacially, if people see my laptop or other laptops people can know my culture because there are a lot of things such as pictures, music files, memos. So they can understand my culture, and know folklore. I think that the memory is very important part to people and affects to people. For example, After 10 years, I exactly will miss many things and want to remember that. Therefore, I may see my pictures that I took with my friends and family, so I can remember that time. In addition, when I need some information about knowledge of my major, I can find my last recearch. Also, soemtimes, I write memos, talk to use my mail box. Therefore, I can remind what talks I did with my friends. The laptop is my everything. Also the laptops will affect on future. If we lost laptops, we will get a lot of problem. This is reason why I want to put that in a time capsule.
Wednesday, September 7, 2016
What I would put in a time capsule
Among the things I would put in a time capsule are the things and objects that are unique to my country. These include clothing such as shemagh and thawb. This is because I like the traditional wear in my country and with the rising change of the sense of fashion, the traditional clothing might not be there in the future. I would like to preserve it. Moreover, the thawb specifically is considered the nation dress while the shemagh has multiple uses.
Something else I would put in the time capsule are pictures. I would select a few favorite pictures of myself, my family and my friends. This is important for me as it would help to record the memories that we had together. I would also put a photo of our home in the time capsule. This is because in the future, I would like where we live now to be seen and remembered if it changes. In addition, I would include a couple of photos of my country, especially the cities and places I liked to go. Lastly, I would put a video we would have made with my family. It would be great to watch ourselves in future.
Time Capsule
In the time capsule, I would put pictures and my memory notes. The memory notes would have all the notes I have written and drawn from when I was a child. I bet in the future it would be so amazing to see all the things I used to write and draw when I was young. Also, I would put all the notes and cards that my siblings and parents wrote and sent to me over the years. My painting book would also go into the time capsule. For pictures, first I would put pictures of myself, the good ones from when I was young up to now. This is important for me as the pictures would show how much I have grown and all the way I have come. Also in the time capsule, I would put pictures of my family. The pictures of my family would have so much meaning in the future as they represent the people who have always been there for me over the years. Some of the pictures in which I am with my friends would also go into the time capsule. These ones specifically would remind me in the future of all the things we used to do together with my friends.
What would I put in the time capsule?
think that I would put some meaningful items, such as firecrackers, traditional
clothes, dictionaries and pictures, in the time capsule for the people in the
future. The firecrackers and traditional clothes can represent my culture
because there are different from other culture. In addition, I would also put a
lot of pictures which contains different stuffs, such as buildings, people, Musical
Instruments, and so on. These pictures can help people understand my culture
much more when they open the time capsule. Finally, I would put some
dictionaries in the time capsule so that people in the future can learn my
language if they don’t know. In conclusion, I think the items which I put in will
help people in the future understand us when they open it. These stuffs can represent
some parts of my culture. Then, people can speculate my culture in this time by
the items.
What would I put in a time capsule?
What would I put in a time capsule?
Monday, September 5, 2016
Long time ago, a laptop was an expensive product, but nowadays, the laptops become cheaper than before, so we have our own laptops for working. The laptops become an essential item in our lives because students have to work to use laptops, and worker have to work after business hours in their home, so many students and workers of Korea have their own laptops.
Although Companies produce many kinds of laptops, those designs are very similar such as whith, black and silver laptops. Therefore, Youths express their concerns and ego to put stickers on the laptops. For example, I like surfing, boarding and many kinds of sports, so I put the surfing and boarding stickers on my laptop. Futhermore, youths have their own mottos, and they want to remember the words, so they put the words on the laptops. People buy or get the stickers, so we can gift the stickers on friend's birthday. Also when people go to trip in other countries, people buy the stickers of national flags like to collect magnets. The laptop sticker shows me, you and us.
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The messenger of Allah prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him, said,
"The wealth of a man will not diminish by charity".
Giving money to poor people is a part of my religion. it's pillars of the Islamic religion and many religions also. Indeed, the box of the "Nido" milk is one of the items that I have seen being altered to be used in a different way in my country. Usually, we use it as a money-box. When I was a kid, I remember my grandmother, when she was taking the box of "Nido" milk and recycled it to use it as money-box, to save the extra money and to give them to the poor people. Indeed, when I grow up, I become like my grandmother. So, I just save the boxes of the "Nido" milk to recycle it to become a money-box. Actually, when I finished using the "Nido" milk, I don't throw the box of the "Nido" milk to the trash, I just recycle it to be a money-box and I decorate it with my one style to be a beautiful money-box. Finally, why we choose the box of the "Nido" milk to be a box-money because of several reasons: it is very strong, it's hard & not easy to open it, it is a good item to save money in it and give the money to the poor people, and "Nido" milk is very popular milk in my country, you can see it in many houses.
The items which I know have altered are high school bag. In my country, many high schools set a rule that students should take the uniform school bag when they go to school. Therefore, each school will have the same style school bag. Every one can know where the students study when he see their bags. It's probably a good way to control or protect students after they leave from school. However, some high school students don't like to be the same as everyone. They will try to decorate their bags in some ways. For example, they will put some badges which they like on the bags. Besides, They may draw some pictures or icons on the bags. They thinks these decorations will show their personalities and let other people know they are different. Anyway, the decorated bags show the different character of students,
Sunday, September 4, 2016
Guitar Shelf

One of the items that I have seen being altered to be used in a different way from its original purpose are guitars which are turned into shelves for placing items. This happens especially when a guitar gets old or breaks and one is not willing to repair it or throw it away. The guitar shelf is made by first removing the remaining strings from the guitar by loosening the tuning knobs. Next, the face of the guitar is removed by sawing a small part with a hand saw and removing the remaining part with a chisel. After this, wooden shelves cut according to the width and the depth of the guitar are fixed and glued to the guitar. Sand paper may be used to soften the surfaces of the shelves and the guitar shelf could also be painted according to one’s preferences and fixed on a wall. Guitar shelves are created to hold items for light utensils in the kitchen or cosmetics and make up stuff in bedrooms. Guitar shelves are also created for art or may be used as decorations or as interior design. A guitar shelf may also be used as a way of preserving a guitar instead of throwing it away after its use has ended.
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