Monday, February 8, 2016

Zika virus



The Centers for Disease Control and prevention (CDC) aimed to prevent sexual transmission of Zika virus. Also, it advised that men should use a condom for sex until the baby is born if they have a pregnant partner. Pregnant women should be tested for the virus to prevent speared it to their bodies and they should delay travailing to Mexico, central America, south America, and Polynesia because theses regions have more Zika virus. "Protection pregnant women and their unborn babies from microcephaly is the primary concern with Zika at this time, Dr. Tom Frieden said.
Babies who have abnormally small heads can have severe developmental delays and can even die.
Brazial has seen 404 causes of microcephaly in newborns and 15 babies have died from the condition, from five linked to Zika. In addition, 56 more deaths are under investigation.
Dr.Gupta  in an interview said, "if you are pregnant, and you are thinking about traveling to a place were Zika is spreading, please don't". A lot of people that have  Zika virus don't have symptoms. Pregnant women who have the virus without symptoms can be offered blood testing between two to 12 weeks after ravels. Men who have a pregnant sexual partner should use condoms or refrain from sex until the baby is born.  Women who are not pregnant should have a conversation with their doctor and they must be    that most people who get Zika virus don't have symptoms at all.
 The risk of developing Zika depends on how long a person was in the area where Zika is present, how many mosquitoes were there, and how will they protected themselves, Dr.Frieden said.
Zika virus can be found in salvia and urine and the virus in those fluids might infect others. However, it doesn't necessary mean that the Zika virus can cause illness in people who have contact with an infected person's who saliva or urine.

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