Monday, July 25, 2016


The ability to search for information and browse some sites have become available on the application "Yandex" that  can install it on devices that operate by system "iOS" without the need to connect to the Internet. This application has been released on the App store since june 30, 2016 by Yandex. TJ said “the service downloads to your smartphone a small base of answers to popular queries that are larger than 100 MB. This database “Yandex” is used when the user tries to find anything in the absence of Internet connection or slow speed."
The user has to add the new program for the smart device in order to begin this application that comes pre-loaded with search results and inquiries that it downloads usually when it finds an internet connection and the device has full battery. In case the user is not connected to internet, he/she can still use this program to search for any information, or any inquiries that he/she may have at that moment.
It is through the activation of this new feature, "Yandex" can download a small base of answers and information that are most in-demand for Apple devices. For example, this program gives you a chance to get information about celebrities and about films, hotlines, the distance between areas and can also translate words from and into foreign languages. Also, you can read the news but without the pictures and videos. All these services are available without the need of an Internet connection.
This service is available in Yandex version 2.0 of the operating system "iOS" confined to a limited group of users and is currently under testing. Based on the test results, officials in "Yandex" will decide whether or not to generalize this service to all users.

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