Sunday, August 7, 2016

Corals are losing color

As ocean temperature getting warmer, some creatures have been suffering including corals. Corals are able to deal with heat in warm sea. But some researchers found that getting warmer sea threatens corals; corals are losing there color.

Stephen Palumbi ,who is marine biologist of Stanford University, says that many scientists have tried to find the rate and limit of physiological modifications that corals have. Also he says corals may be able to lose there ability to deal with more ocean warming. Corals have the bacterial residents that maintain their color providing them with nutrients and oxigen. Appropriately warm water can help corals to be prepared to survive heat but when water temperature increases rapidly - more than the approximately 2ºC above heat, corals may  lose the bacteria and it can cause bleaching.

The result that simulated water gets warmer using computer, generally temperature of reef will increase. But part of these events that could affect corals to stand bleaching will decline from 75% to 22%. The scientists predict that when water temperature increase by 0.5º, many reef will strat to lose the ablilty to prepare heat. A physical oceanographer Scott Heron says, “If that protective mechanism does get lost going into the future, then what we’ve seen so far as being bad impacts could become worse.”

In order to protect coral, reduced carbon emissions will be required, but preperation will be able to hlep corals sustain in warm seas. We are in crucial position. Palumbi says that we are still able to choose how the future of coral reefs works out.


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