Tuesday, November 29, 2016

TASK 21. Pg. 148 29 / Nov. / 2016
Miguel Astudillo
Think of two current world leaders that you believe will be remembered in history. How did history “make” these world leaders?
Barack Obama
In my opinion, Barack Obama who is the current President of the United States of America has faced a lot of difficult situations in his personal life and his political career.  The different circumstances that this leader has had to overcome in order to reach his goals have been admirable.
Since he was only two years old he had to deal with the divorce of his parents. This fact encouraged him the wish to study hard and become a professional. Later, he started to work as a community organizer, as a civil-rights lawyer, and as a teacher before pursuing a political career. He has also written two books, one of them is his autobiography, whose children’s version, an audiobook narrated by him won a Grammy Award. Once as a President, he has worked to expand health care services and early childhood education programs for the poor. Concerning to the international politics, he has improved the relations with Europe, China and Russia and has opened dialogue with Iran, Venezuela and Cuba.
Vladimir Putin
Vladimir Putin is another world leader who has had a brilliant political career, but his path to the Russian presidency has been done in several ways. He was a very successful sportsman, later he became a KGB officer, then he became Russia's prime minister, and finally he became President of Russia.  He has being re-elected for two times serving as President for three times.
Once in his role as a Russian President, he made political and economic reforms. He restructured the government and launched criminal investigations into the business dealings of high-profile Russian citizens. About international politics, he continued Russia's military campaign in Chechnya. He supported the United States in its anti-terrorism campaign, but he opposed to the plan of war that USA had against Iraq. In addition, he visited Israel, becoming the first Kremlin leader to go there. Later, he was nominated for a Nobel Peace Prize.

Finally, after having analyzed the profiles of these two world leaders, I can say that history set appropriate time and circumstances to make these people as true leaders not only for their countries, but also for the world context because they have done memorable things in favor of the human beings in the right time and place. Their decisions certainly influenced and affected people in their countries and in other ones, but in a positive way. These things have been examples to be imitated by other leaders who want to work in favor of their countries. These correct actions have given them the right of being remembered through times by people around the world because they have left tracks that are difficult to ignore.  

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