Monday, November 28, 2016

The Greatest Leaders Who Will Be Remembered

  The greatest leaders who will be remmemberad in the history are Martin Luther King and Adlof Hitler. Those two people have made the history. Martin Luther King did a lot of things in the U.S which are stop racemes and treat African Americans equally. In the other hand, Hitller was trying to control the world by his military. Martin Luther King said that African Americans should not fight back,which means even though the police were shot the African Americans, the African Americans would not fight back,and that is one of the of the best thing that he had ever done. His famous speech that was for all the people who lived there, and it is for us. Hitler was dictator, but the people who were n Germany chose him,so that is our flout, not Hitler flout. He said in his speech i hate, i will kill,but the people were happy for him. In the world war I, Hitler had achieved many things. Hopefully, in the world war II , Hitler killed him-selves because he knew that he will lost agents Russian. He had a hard power,but he lost because he was arrogance. Those two people were the best to me because they had made history,and the history will remember them fore ever.

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