Sunday, May 1, 2016

Is changing color a problem?

Taking into account that you are a shy chameleon looking for help in this ridiculous book, your abilities to change color must not be that good. Changing color is a strange ability that just a few species of the animal kingdom have the privilege of having. Therefore, in this section, I'm going to explain to you how to take advantage of those abilities. There are several reasons why animals change color such as temperature adaptation, the camouflage of predators, or even to stand out of others animals. Unfortunately, your ability to change color is as bad as the sight of a bat, so you must grab some self-confidence or probably you will fail. First of all, to avoid get burned by the extreme sun  of Madagascar, or even to be eaten by a raptor, practicing your skill to perceive color will be helpful. It has been demonstrated that those chameleons who were able to recognize which colors were surrounding them, could be unnoticed when a predator was nearby. In addition, as you know, your body has specialized cells which contain primary pigments (blue, red and yellow). Hence, being able to manipulate those pigments to create new colors, will help you in the future. However, please avoid turning red while fighting with others chameleons, they would think you are flushed. To sum up, following these tips, you will be successful in controlling and taking advantage of your impressive abilities.

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