Sunday, May 15, 2016

Praying mantis

           Praying mantis is an animal which feeds on insects, so it attacks any insect moving in front of it. Moreover, it has an ability to move her head full cycle. Praying mantis female changes her skin seven times per her life. On the other hand, the male changes his skin only six times in his life. Additionally, the female gets married approximately twenty two times ,but she eats all of them during the reproductive act. Researchers observed this behavior to know the reasons, benefits, and the costs for both parties and for future generation.
            Praying mantis female eats the male’s head during the mating process for purpose. She does that because of the nutrients found in his head. In fact, I find that this doing is cooperative for many reasons. First of all, it benefits the female because eating the male gives her the nutrition that she needs. In this case, she is more likely to lay more eggs. Likewise, it benefits the male by passing his genes into the next generation. Frankly, this is no benefit to mate with a female which may die because of the hunger before laying her eggs. Consequently, this action benefits the performer and the recipient even though it will cost the male his life. Finally, this behavior will benefit the new generation because this species will keep going and will not extinct.
            To sum it all up, eating the male has many benefits but one cost. It will benefit the female by feeding her and laying a lot of eggs. Moreover, it will pass male’s genes and help the new generation not to extinct. However, it will cost only the male by passing away.  

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