Thursday, April 7, 2016

Dear Elizabeth:

You do not need to say sorry, it was not your fault, it is just a common reaction in humans. Frustration needs to be let out of our bodies so we are not filled with it.

I am so sorry that something as stressful as that happened to you but I am happy that you were not hurt badly.

I kind of know how you must be feeling because what you went through it is not easy to move on from and also because the desperation you must have felt when you were trying to attract someone to help you and not even a single soul did, I think is one of the worst feeling in the world.

I think there were some factors about the situation you experienced, the could have influenced the people around you that could have helped you; some of them being: the time, the environment and the way you looked. Those factors were keeping the people from intervening in your situation.

Even though there were factors involved, those were no excuses enough for them to not show kindness to you. So yes, showing your anger is not bad; is the other way around.

Love, Abby.

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